Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Psychic Explanation of Trump's Near Assassination

 I’ll begin with a story. I was once traveling through Oaxaca, Mexico, where I met a pale-faced American with a strange tale to tell.  The first thing I noticed when we shook hands in the heat of the afternoon, his hand felt unusually cold. He was recovering from an attack he suffered from some kind of witch or sorceress.  According to his story, walking past a house on the edge of town, he noticed to the side of the house an attractive naked woman under an outdoor shower.  Apparently, he lingered there too long gawking at the woman.   


That night he was unable to fall asleep but when he did he had terrifying dreams of wild birds and animals attacking him. He woke up feeling as if he were literally mauled and torn by something that seemed to cling to him, and drain his breath.  Once awake he couldn’t shake himself free from his nightmare.  All that day and days after he was oppressed by a dark presence. He soon discovered that the woman he watched taking a shower was known as a talented medium and sorceress. He was directed to an evangelical preacher who explained that he was the victim of demonic assault.  The woman took umbrage over him catching her unawares and paid him back by sending him all sorts of terrifying and debilitating dreams and presences.    This surely sounds very strange and timid rationalists are apt to recoil from such spooky claims.


Can people be attacked by external agents of ill will, mentally or physically injured or controlled by them?  I knew a volunteer Doctor that had to flee from a house that she rented in Haiti. She found that the house was cursed by a couple forced out because they couldn’t pay the rent.  There were forces in that house that made the doctor’s life unbearable, and as well showed the uncanny destructiveness of human ill will.  It can manifest in strange ways.  


Now, whether mainstream science accepts it or not, evidene shows that our minds, our intentions and feelings can influence physical reality—directly, magically, so to speak.  This is called psychokinesis, demonstrated in  controlled experiments and in spontaneous case histories repeatedly.  How it works is of course a challenge to science.   


So to the question of the near assassination of the former president.  All sorts of conspiracy accounts of how it may have happened seem pretty weak to me.   But there are two undeniable facts I would underscore.    First, as stated above,  there is something called psychokinesis (PK), which is about physical things we can do with our minds.  PK is something we all possess but scarcely understand how to use.  Second, it is certain that large numbers of human beings are mortally opposed to  the former president. They see him as an extreme danger to American democracy.   I’m curious about the possible relation between these two facts. 


On the day before the near-assassination, Trump was looming large and confident concerning the election, especially in light of his much weakened  Biden opponent.


Surely among the millions of anxious and angry Americans were those who wished   Trump out of the way, removed from the scene—deanimated, we could say.    Imagine a great storm of intentionality careening around the United States, in search of an outlet, an instrument, a way to remove the  Trump menace.


Meanwhile, in a small town in Pennsylvania, 20 year old Thomas Crooks was googling Biden and Trump.  Crooks was a loner, highly intelligent, but was politically indifferent, certainly no ideologue. No sign of a motive except the motivation of the typical mass-shooter we have come to know who wants to be noticed and acclaimed for something spectacular.  


I believe it possible that the massive, emotionally charged opposition to Trump, the collective perception of him as a mortal danger to democracy may well have been picked up by the vacillating Crooks and translated into literally trying to off Trump.  In this way. Crooks unwittingly sacrificed himself to serve the collective will of countless Americans desperate to get Trump out of the presidential race. It was  close, but Trump got lucky and instantly claimed divine intervention, boosting his megalomania. 


I think it possible that the collective ill will toward Donald Trump somehow found a passageway into the waffling mind of Crooks and drove him to pick and shoot Trump. One would have to assume that the collective will to do away with Trump was more irresistable than the will to eliminate Biden.  So Donald leads in the murderability contest.


The purpose of this little post is to think about the various powers and agencies  that operate on our lives. And to remind us what Shakespeare said about there being more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy classrooms.


Anonymous said...

By the same token, the moments during his attempted assassination, Trump was surrounded by throngs of men and women who genuinely love and admire him. Could the positive vibes produced by Trump's followers have acted as a psychokinetic buffer that effectively deflected those bullets?

Michael Grosso said...

It's hard to rule out that possibility--after all, psychic influence is not necessarily a moral force. Hitler luckily escaped death on more than one occasion, conceivably influenced supportive psychic forces.

Miguel said...

Interesting that you mentioned Hitler. I'm no historian, let alone an expert on Hitler, but my understanding is that by 1944 many close to Hitler, let alone the rest of Europe, North America, and perhaps the rest of the world, were likely more fearful of him than supportive. Yet, all plots to assassinate him could not be carried out or failed outright, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Adolf_Hitler. Given that context, one has to wonder just how much of a positive psychic influence is sufficient to defend against its negative psychic counterpart.

I have not looked at the PK literature, but I wonder if there has been any research published (beyond the concept of psi missing) on positive vs. negative mental influence. It seems to me that the above hypothesis would be relatively easy to test in the lab.

Michael Grosso said...

Thank you for this comment. I was aware of Hitler managing to escape attempts on his life, and you wonder what's going on when such an agent of mass evil is so damn lucky. So far Trump has been generally lucky but of course in Trump's case part of his luck is due to his installation of three members of the supreme court. Needless to say, we would all hope that this
pathetic case gets voted out than taken out by an assassin.

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