Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Donald Trump's "Near-Death Experience"

It was perfectly normal for Donald Trump to feel that God intervened and saved him from his would-be assassin. He barely ducked a bullet intended for his head.  It was “an angel,” not luck that saved him, I heard Trump say.


Of course, the rational view is that Trump was in fact lucky; he moved his head and just had his ear nicked, enough to draw a little blood. More luck, the red blood resonates with Trump’s MAGA red tie!  Evangelicals for Trump are especially buoyed by Trump’s close brush with near-death. They see his escape as part of a divine plan. 


In the case of the former president, we  have a person already convinced of his divine specialness. But really? Apart from his numerous crimes, Donald Trump has been diagnosed by a raft of psychiatrists as a “malignant narcissist.” The record is littered with endless illustrations of Trump aggrandizing himself as the greatest of all time in one way or another.  


Trump, as everyone  knows, is a pathological liar.  This by itself is enough to disqualify him for any role in society that presupposes respect for simple, factual truth.  Without  it, civil society is impossible.


But now there’s something new in Trump’s tale, his close call with death. He wasn’t physically impaired, except for being nicked in his right ear.  Could God be trying to say to Donald, “About your ear, sir, it would help if you learned to use it and try to listen to folks instead of bragging about yourself all the time. More ear, less tongue!”


I often wonder if former president Trump believes the enormous swell of BS that pours out of his mouth continuously.  In any case, the narcissistic dialectic now has a new element of inspiration—religion. To the believer, God’s miraculous intervention proves that Donald Trump is destined to win the election and save America from the diabolical democrats and the hordes of murder-celebrating, rape-loving, immigrants invading our country.   


One imagines an impassioned Trumpian saying: “Watch out all you crawling anti-American vermin! Now that we know that God saved Trump from that bullet—we know He’s on our side and against you!   As for the rest of the good Americans, don’t worry if you hear some guns go pop and a bullet or two whiz by. Trust that God will make you duck whenever you need to.”  



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