Monday, October 14, 2024

Hope or Disaster: Vote Please

Election day is coming, and this one is like no other in world history. It’s an election for the president of the United States, the greatest and richest Empire on Earth, along with its eighty military bases spanning the globe.


This election is historically unique. The leader of this world power must confront at least two extraordinary challenges, as Noam Chomsky has repeatedly underscored:  realize it or not, we are coasting toward climate catastrophe and toward nuclear war, either of which promises to bring down world civilization.


We can only hope that our next president has heart, wisdom, and a sharp practical intellect.  We hope that person will be on the side of life for all and against the fanatics that worship wealth, race, and power.


So who are the candidates? Donald Trump, the former president, and Kamala Harris, the current Vice-President. This is clearly a serious choice, and will affect a world in the throes of the Kali Yuga, the age of conflicts.


Heart, wisdom and a sharp practical intellect.  So, how to vote?  Shall we vote for Donald Trump? Is he likely to meet the challenges that threaten our very existence?  Donald thinks the climate menace is a hoax.  He has no head for scientific and factual truth.  Trump on the climate crisis is a zero.  It’s  not on the man’s radar. So, a vote for Trump is a vote for climate catastrophe.


On the Heart, Wisdom, Practical Intellect scale I fail to detect any evidence of these virtues in Trump.  No one reasonably sane could ever regard him as distinguished in the realm of heart, empathy or compassion.  Donald’s M.O. is the exploitation of fear and hatred, flavored with paranoia and racism.  The appeal is not to the heart but to the bowels of resentment.  We deperately need leaders with wisdom. Trump gets minus zero on this virtue. 


Half the psychiatrists on the planet agree that Don is a malignant narcissicist, and let’s not forget the growing signs of dementia. The man is a  paradigm of unwisdom, notoriously obsessed with fantasies of his greatness.  There is one feature of Trump that totally disqualifies him as president: he’s a pathological liar. I wouldn’t trust him as a delivery boy in a delicatessen. As for the practical intellect we demand of our president, it’s wildly obvious that Trump is obsessed with two major things.  Revenge against his political opponents is numbr one.   


The other is to reorganize the government, and streamline it so that maximum power is focused in the executive branch. Once established, as Trump has told us, there will be no further need for elections.  Trump’s goal is to be a dictator; he’s on good terms with various leading dictators around the world.  So a vote for Trump is a vote for dictatorship.


It appears we are left with Kamala Harris and the air already seems fresher.

In terms of our scale of the three virtues we naturally hope for in a president, all I can say is that in light of what I know about Kamala, my spirit is slightly buoyed up.  However, when asked if she would part from Biden in any area of concern, she seemed to say no.


This would distress many people in the U.S. who are nauseated by Biden’s financial,  and military support of the Zionist genocide currently ravaging Palestine and its people.  I understand why Kamala might not yet be willing to talk about ending America’s murderous complicity with the Zionist Fascists.  But I have hope that she will change when and if she beomes president. 


My hope is based on something ral  I have heard Kamala speak out against the horrors inflicted on Palestinians more than once. I cannot recall Biden ever saying anything remotely compassionate or caring for the horriic plight of the Palestinian people. All he does is provide two-thousand pound bombs and billions of dollars to the Israeli murder machine.  


As for our last criterion, practical intellect, in a debate, we saw Kamala demolish Trump, scaring him away from any further debate with her, proving his cowardice and obvious inellectual deficiencies.      


The Conclusion

A vote for Harris is a vote for hope.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a the biggest BS artist in world history.








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