Ross Coulthart has been reporting on the U.S. cover up of what is now known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Notably, they constantly invade American airspace with impunity. Attempts to engage with these entities in the air invariably fail. In fact, they are known repeatedly to disengage any mechanisms that we deploy to stop, trap, or take them out. There’s no doubt about the reality of an unknown, and more advanced, intelligence operating in our midst. But what do we really know about UAP other than their existence? What, who, from where, and why?
I was struck by Coulthart’s remarkable interview with Jake Barber, a U.S. airman in a UAP crash retrieval program. (Available on YouTube) As far as government secrecy, Barber is a whistleblower who feels compelled to make public information of dramatic interest to Americans. Barber was assigned the task of transporting a crashed, egg-shaped, unidentified ‘vehicle’ to a research facility where scientists try to reverse engineer the mysteries of the strange ‘craft’.
Several things especially struck me, beyond what I already knew. Barber describes the bare egg-shaped object, inconceivable how it flew, while noting some transient ill bodily effects he suffered. The second point that stood out in the interview was unexpected. Jake Barber recounted the strange emotional effect that came over him when he encountered the alien object he was tasked to transport. An articulate man, he struggled to express it as the melting of himself into a feminine energy. He stressed the idea of his consciousness as playing a role in the UAP story and citing several parapsychological notions. Ross then asked if Jake was ready to shock listeners by acknowledging a psychical dimension to his story. He wants to shock his audience, Jake replied, smiling. Apparently, we need to be shocked into a new consciousness. Rational argument and evidence work with a minority; most of us need to be shocked out of our habitual selves and assumptions.
Barber’s surprising sense of the transcendent feminine reminded me of the 1917 Virgin Mary appearance to three children. There seems to be a connection between Marian visions and UAP. The so-called miracle of the sun, was, I believe, a wonderful UAP-induced illusion of the sun behaving strangely. That’s the only way I can make sense of the miracle of Fatima. Certainly, the real sun did not swoop down on the Cova da Iria and terrify 71 thousand people into thinking it was the end of the world. (See Jacques Vallee and John Keel on the ufological link to the famous Fatima phenomena.) In any case, it is surprising that this highly trained government official should undergo a mystical feminine presence in connection with moving a crashed UFO object.
Now to the perhaps most interesting assertion about the secret governmental UAP research. In the interview, Barber began to talk about psionics, people with psychic abilities that work with the reverse engineering crew. What I heard this time was incredible. What I heard from Barber is that the government has a crew of psychically gifted individuals working together trying to evoke contact with the unknown intelligences. And if I heard right, they have succeeded. Details of the latter assertion, that humans are learning to psychically communicate with intelligent nonhumans, were lacking.
This is not the first time I’ve heard about groups of people that try to initiate contact with the mysterious visitors. Barber made a curious remark, aware of its oddness, that children may in fact be the best psychic operators for the research. Of course, people trying mentally to communicate with higher beings is commonplace in religion, another topic to explore. For now, thanks to Ross and Jake and other courageous people like them, we can be sure that the government has been and still is lying to us about UAP. We are being visited by intelligent beings from outside our world of space and time. There are full scale operations under way trying to extract secrets of alien technologies from crashed ‘vehicles’ likely to have enormous consequences for life on earth.
Interesting coincidence, I watched that interview and started watching a longer version conducted by younger group yesterday. Regarding, the so-called psionic persons he mentions (we used to call them psychics!), there have been similar cases in the past, such as Ted Owens (Mishlove's PK man) and at least one other individual, though I cannot now recall his name or details of his case. Very interesting developments in the UAP field.
What I find so interesting is the claim that certain gifted psychics are being trained to use their mental powers to invoke or provoke a response from these mysterious beings. What if ordinary people--as in the days of Gellerlike metal-bending efforts--started all over the world to summon these apparent intelligences?
Interesting idea. Perhaps someone can start a national or even global campaign for a mass summoning of these phenomena on a specific day and time within, say, on earth day.
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