Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Our Clairvoyant Environment

At any given moment, our normal ability to be conscious of events around us is confined to our senses, directly or through microscopes, telescopes, and other sense-amplifying devices.


However, there’s a revolutionary fact to contend with: it’s also possible, under the right conditions, to be conscious of events around us through extrasensory mental functions. Called clairvoyance, or remote or clear viewing, this extension is part of a larger  pattern of extraphysical mental powers.  


For reasons we needn’t dwell on, modern science has evolved in such a way that it a priori rejects the idea of anything real being nonphysical.  This rejection is hard to understand. The totality of what we experience is mediated by our nonphysical consciousness.  Our personal consciousness, private and inward, also potentially connects us with a greater  environment of experience. 


A new book that explores this idea of our expanded mental environment is The Mind at Large: Clairvoyance, Psychics, Police and Life After Death: A Polish Perspective, by Zofia Weaver & Krzystof Janoszka.  Two essential steps toward such an expanded view are covered: theoretical and factual. 


Under theoretical comes the hard-hitting topic of anomalies.  Science typically advances when phenomena turn up that contradict assumptions about how the world is supposed to work.   Suppose the police are told that somebody is missing for an entire day.  Some personal effects of the missing person are sent to Krzysztof Jackowski who ‘sees’ where the person is, a corpse hid in the forest he directs the police to, thanks to his so-called “second sight.”


The notion of “second sight” suggests that there is second system of perception, a world in which our experiential potentials extend into a much wider sphere.  This second system of our mental life is what the authors call Mind at Large.  The book argues that we are moving toward a new scientific account of the natural world that is permeated by a universal Mind at Large.  I can only touch on the rich content here, but heartily recommend obtaining a copy—a map for exploring Mind at Large. The emphasis on a model of police work that accepts and cooperates with gifted psychics is a significant step toward humanizing law enforcement, a step the exact opposite of the militaristic, gun-driven approach of countries I will abstain from naming. 


Mind at Large, the second, alternate system of mental life, comes into play around the question of life after death.    Chapters 5 and 8 discuss the connection between clairvoyance and belief in an afterlife.  In Chapter 5, the point is made that although clairvoyance vastly opens and extends human mental potential, it may also serve to explain away survival evidence as the result of living psi agency  The evidence may unconsciously be the result of the medium’s psychic power, not of the action of a deceased person.  The concluding chapter (8) focuses on the complex and profound mediumship of K. Jackowski where his achievements point more compellingly toward survival. 


Continuously insightful and informative, chapter 7 presents examples of different types clairvoyance, with 10 summaries of case histories from Jackowski’s police work. Fascinating here is to learn of this medium’s method of using his clairvoyant powers.  He often works using the personal effects, clothing, photos, rings, etc. to latch on to a psychic trail of associations that reveal the fate and location of the missing person. (Often dead.)


Information about us can somehow be implanted in ordinary physical objects that we use and touch. This suggests that the entire material world around us may be saturated with meanings, feelings, and memories. Wherever we go we leave behind a trail of psychic markers.  The trick is to learn how to tune into the psychic vibes around us in ways that are generally beneficial.


I’ll mention a case that I studied in detail, Joseph of Copertino, levitator extraordinaire.  Joseph was often (in various ways) the occasion of supernormal healings.  The healings often arose when someone was given some torn piece of clothing or other personal effect of Joseph to see and touch. What saints, yogis, and shamans are about is moving toward constructive intimacy with Mind at Large. This research on clairvoyance sheds light on the aboriginal Australian belief that the whole of nature is nestled in archetypal dream forms.


Clairvoyance is a normal component of most indigenous cultures. Among the various crimes against humanity committed by European colonialists is the exploitation and destruction not only of the natural world but of traditional, life-sustaining mythologies.   Instead of the house of life, the bosom of Mind at Large, nature has become the source of materials we use for ruthless profiteering and exclusive human enjoyment and consumption.  That has radically to change if our not so clever species is to avoid the fate of the dinosaurs.


Miguel said...

One wonders whether those psychic trails are part of the basis for at least some apparitional experiences.

Michael Grosso said...

I agree, psi pervades a wide modality of possible experience.

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